
The bus has been spray painted and keyed. People have thrown eggs, ketchup, basketballs, soda cans, milk crates and much more at it. The artists decided it would be smart to hide the Trump name completely at night. They made banners with fake fruit punch advertisements on them – inspired by the fallen GOP Presidential candidates (and Trump’s nicknames for them). When the banners are on the bus, no one gives it a second look.


The one night the artists skipped putting the banners on the bus, it was keyed. The artists didn’t make that mistake again.

Humor as an art form.

The absurdity of the banners lies in the fact that nobody notices them. It’s art designed not to be seen. It works beautifully.

“A few weeks ago, in Las Vegas, a former Donald Trump campaign bus transformed into a traveling anti-Trump art project — got egged in a Walmart parking lot. Later, in Denver, a man spray-painted an inverted pentagram on its side. In Los Angeles cars tried to run it off the road.  One driver followed it, swerving and honking and screaming 'Fuck Trump' until the bus pulled into a police station.” 


Low low low-energy parking.

It takes about 20 minutes to put the banners on the bus. If it’s windy, longer. The trick is to park the bus with one side facing a fence, a wall or shrubbery –then that side can stay as is, since no one will see it.